Mormon Wedding Rituals

Aren’t Mormon Wedding Rituals the most cherished day for many? People of different religions and beliefs convene together to celebrate the most important days of their loved ones with joy and greetings for the upcoming life. Every culture relies on its timeless customs and rituals, which bring the authenticity and liveliness of its faith.
One such precious community on earth is the Mormon community. They hold an intricate faith in God, and their wedding rituals are sacred and divine. Their untouched faith in God and belief in the process of marriage are simply worth knowing.
A Brief History of Mormons
Mormon weddings are the one of its kind. The Mormon community is deeply rooted to its essence of Mormonism, Mormons are the doctrines of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints. The Mormon community constitutes 0.212% of the total global population making them a minority. Precious few of us must be actually aware of their traditional significance, and wedding traditions.
It will be exciting to understand their wedding rituals progressively, so let’s learn about the Mormon wedding rituals and ethological mosaic.
As mentioned above, Mormon weddings are one of its kind. It is believed that non-Mormons can not usually be a part of the Mormon wedding held in the LDS temple. I know, I know this might be a little confusing and weird to digest but let’s get on it one at a time.

What do Mormon weddings look like?
There are two types of Mormon weddings: Number one is the LDS temple wedding or the Sealing Ordinance where only the faithful members of the Church who regularly attends the meetings and obeys the commandments of the Church can participate (basically the Mormons) and the non-temple ceremony or the Church wedding, which is open to all acquaintances.
The Temple Wedding Ceremony:
Pre-Wedding Rituals
It is believed that the weddings which are organised in the Temple are considered sacred and eternal. Interesting, isn’t it?
The Interview
Temple weddings do not permit any non-mormons, only the temple recommend can be a part of the temple wedding ceremony. Besides there are certain code of conduct in respect of the LDS temple that needs to be obeyed, this includes:

- The very first requirement to be an attendee of the temple wedding ritual is to be a “temple recommend”. A temple recommend is someone who is passed by the two most important people: The local bishop and the local state president.
- They usually conduct an interview and ask questions based on your contribution and practices of the Church’s commandments. These commandments include: You must be a regular and registered attendee of the Church
- You must follow the adherence of commandments given by the Church which includes health regulations like refraining yourself from alcohol, drugs, tobacco, tea or caffeine.
- You must refrain yourself from adultery which includes sex.
- You must donate 10% of your total income to the Church. The local bishop considers asking other questions as well and checks your cognition and then decides.
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The requirements
The major requirement is people: kith and kin of the respective bride and groom must be 18 and above, anyone who have reached this respective age group will not be allowed to the temple wedding.
After the marriage, when the couple signs the wedding certificate, it is mandatory for them to have two male witnesses and in the presence of these two witnesses the marriage will be termed valid in the eyes of the Church. These witnesses are also temple recommends.
The next requirement can be shocking for many of us. There is a strict prohibition on photographs inside the temple. No pictures are allowed.
Once you have assured the precise take on the requirements of the temple ceremony you can proceed further which is the Temple Sealing Ceremony.
The priest or the “sealer” conducts the ceremonial rituals inside a private room called sealing room where the bride and groom exchange vows, promises and ring and officially commit to each other eternally.
Mormon temples too have a waiting room for all the relatives and friends who are non-mormon or not “worthy” of entering the temple. Majorly, the friends, relatives and family who are not allowed to enter the temple, wait here and later celebrate the couple.
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Temple Preparation Class
Prior to the wedding ceremonies the couple undergoes a temple preparation class where they understand the wedding rituals and also their responsibility as a married couple.
Key elements of Mormon wedding rituals:
- Just before the wedding ceremony the participants wear special attire termed as temple garments which signifies the promise made to God.
- There is a special place given to the notion of eternal union and to the idea that not even death will part us, we will remain married today and forever.
- The exchange of rings in Mormon weddings represents the idea of togetherness and commitment in the marriage.

- Another symbolism of unison is the veil ceremony, this ceremony is done after the exchange of vows. The veil is lifted which has been separating the bride and groom representing their togetherness for the rest of their lives and beyond.
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The Non-temple Wedding
Usually people who are not temple recommend can have a simple wedding ceremony in the Church. This is also a Mormon wedding yet for those who cannot surpass the code of conduct of the Church.
This ceremony is conducted in Church, officiated by the bishop, or the local church leader and not the sealer.

Any of the acquaintances Mormons or Non-mormons can participate in such weddings, celebrate and bless the couple.
It is believed by the Mormons that these weddings last only till the death of them and not eternally like the typically LDS church wedding.
Unfortunately, there are not as many rituals as temple wedding ceremonies of Mormon communities.
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The non-temple wedding rituals:
Non-temple wedding rituals are too basic and simple to understand they involve:
Civil ceremony
The wedding ceremony is conducted in the presence of the friends and family either in a Church or in any hall.

Exchange of rings
The vows and rings are further exchanged by the couple as the sign of acceptance and love towards each other. The vows are even personalised here based on the couple’s endeavours.

After the completion of the ceremony, the couple along with the parents and family prays and receives blessings for a happy marriage.
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Post-Wedding Ritual: Temple and Non-temple Wedding
The post-wedding ritual does not necessarily hold much but a celebration of togetherness of the newly weds in the presence of Mormons and Non-mormons beloved. It is similar for both temple and non-temple weddings.

Traditional Overlook: Attire and Cuisine
It is expected from the Mormon weddings that there must be a modesty maintained through their dressing.
The attire of the bride should not support any slit, sheer cloth, or low neck, nor the ornaments. Strictly the bride should wear a long skirt, high neckline and simple attire to the wedding dress with long sleeves.

Mormon wedding cuisine is simple; they do not promote alcoholic beverages. You will only find comfort food: salads, soups and pastries and cookies in dessert.

Mormons’ weddings are the reflection of age-old customs, religious beliefs and unadulterated ceremonies. These communities strictly practise their customs regardless of the progressive nature of the people.
Right from the food habits to the dressing habits, the culture is highly vocal about the extremist. The delicacies chosen traditionally are high in nutritious values and simple which makes it even more noteworthy to understand. The code of conduct and precise understanding of the dress code is mandated.
What actually grabs attention is the basic yet complex nature of the Mormon weddings, they are highly orthodox and religious and they are believed to last forever. The notion of eternal love is righteously justified by Mormon weddings.
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